+ 10
Is learning c++ worth it in 2019?
Just took an interest in programming. I know c++ isnt a language for beginners but it seemed really interesting to me (unusual i know)...but some people are saying c++ will be dying soon and stuff so you should learn python instead. That kinda saddened me but then i heard about c++17 which is improved version of c++14 and its making its way back into its game.( i also heard c++20 is coming soon, is that true?) So, in a nutshell..is it worth learning c++ now and will it still be relevant in next 20 years..and what exactly is the difference between old c++ and c++17?thx!
21 Respostas
+ 23
C++ is no where near dying.
I don't get why people keep saying that, don't listen to those people, they don't know what they are talking about.
It's still a very widely used language in almost all fields, especially in places where speed matters, like games and where close control to hardware is required.
It will not die for a very long time, if ever and is still getting updated every few years.
In fact, it is still in the top 3 languages used today, above python ( even though python is gaining ): https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/
Learning C++ is definitely worth it as it teaches you alot of how a computer works, I doubt you learn that in python, and therefore a very good language to start with.
Once you know C++ you can easily learn most other languages.
Python is very popular because it is so beginner friendly and it is fast to write code in without requiring to write all the boilerplate code C++ requires.
C++ was my first language because I found it interesting too, it's not that unusual.
Comparing old C++ with C++17 would probably be enough to fill a couple of books.
old C++ looks similar to C, which you will probably see alot in the playground on sololearn, while new uses the std library all over the place.
Code that normally takes 10 lines to do can probably be done in 1 line in the newer versions and it also reduces the need to write as much boilerplate.
Here are some links to some new features in each release.
Though I doubt it'll mean much to you if you don't have any experience in the first place.
Yes, C++20 is real and it's gonna be a mayor update.
Maybe this video can also show the difference.
+ 11
C++ will survive the next 20 years, minimum. BTW awesome answer by Dennis !
+ 10
Of course
C++ is very Beneficial with Robotics
And Other too
+ 7
C++ is a very robust language with a huge performance and security advantage compared to most modern languages coming out today. Comparing C++ to python is like comparing apples to orange. Python is hyped because of ML, however python isn't a robust languages and comes with a lot of performance constraints and issues when designing and building sophisticated app and handling huge volume of data. To be very honest with you, C++ is technically more preferable than python in ML when working with sophisticated algorithm and huge dataset in ML. python can be used to create quick and dirty prototype in ML or simple ML apps however remember to use a more robust, secured, performance enhanced language like C++ for complex apps, algorithms and huge datasets
+ 5
I lately made a little test here for myself:
I wrote two times a prime testing function, one in C, one in Python, and let them run dry (no output) on a range of numbers.
Within the time window of 5 seconds that Sololearn offers, the Python version managed a range from 0 to 800,000.
The C version pulled off a range up to 12,000,000.
Why should a language this much quicker than the hot and upcoming languages die out? Who would voluntarily relinquish the option to write code that runs multiple times quicker?
+ 4
A lot of good answers on why it's relevant and will remain relevant. To add further, think about the fact that it has been around for roughly 50 years already and is still one of the best languages today; that says a lot about it without even saying anything about it.
+ 4
C++ is mother of all modern programming languages, and also:
1.) Oops concepts of c++,are soooo goood & simplified that u can actually do anything with it.
2.) The modern c++ is sooo beautiful that u will love it at first sight
3.) u can manually use the space as much as u want.
4.) The circuit/robotics are easy to design by using c++
5.) U can handle big gigantic amount(gigabytes) of data in c++ easily, and can process it in seconds.
6.) U can actually do anything in c++, see the libraries that are provided in
c++ or on the web.
7.) C++ is used by most of the
top IT mnc(s):
+ 3
Im re-learning c++ after 15+ years... It still hurts my brain! think future... Embedded systems are slowly moving from c to c++. With a nice stake in ML, AI, and VR... its not going anywhere!
+ 3
Yes C++ is a powerful weapon in programming skills. It enhances your coding abilities.
+ 3
I love c++
+ 2
of course it is
don't listen to any dumb-ass who says its not. its used in making games I think
+ 2
Yes. The more you know, the farther you go in life!
+ 2
yes if you want to develop. games, you can code with C++ in Unreal Engine 4 :) Thats one example and the reason why i want to learn it :)
+ 2
Is worth every bit of it but it where you are venturing into you would be more of the guy that write library for other languages or games or embedded systems all those core stuff or to write pretty powerful program that works with hardware iot
+ 2
Of course, because C++ will give you some taste of other OOP language and also if you learn C++ then you will get speedy touch in writing codes
+ 1
Thanks!really helped me out
+ 1
Yes, totally.
+ 1
I would much more recommend C to learn but C++ is not a bad option.
+ 1
if you are interested in hardware it is very usefull
Yes, do learn C it is not dying anywhere soon.
Amna, https://frontdevelopers.com/hire-c-c-developers/