+ 5
How can I link a python file to a jQuery script tag from an HTML file?
I have a script tag on an HTML document getting input from the user and storing it in some variables. How can I link a python file to the HTML file and get the variables values from the jQuery and store them in some Python variables? Or is it even possible? Tysm!
2 Respostas
+ 3
Python(programming language) and jquery(js library) are diff animals.
Js/html/css/typescript run in the browser(client).
python(server) broadcasts the index.html out to the internet.
restApi communication between client and server is what accomplishes the variable transfer you described in your question.
The variable (request) comes from client to server — then is stored in a database.
Thats a very basic overview. Real World/Production you will need to worry about security.
Chech out :(serverless)
Mongo Atlas / Stitch
Google Firebase
The above providers let u get started for free and can offload authentication/secuity. Not to mention they are FREE to get started — All ya need is frontend code (jquery/vue.js/react.js aka “client”) and coffee to write ur app.
Hope this helps..
+ 2
On what is your thing running?