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Can anyone advise me?
I am new to coding and I lnow I should start with C++. Does anyone know the best source to learn it thoroughly. I have found a sheet to practice and solve projects but where should I learn it first?
13 Respostas
This IDE sets you up for everything you need
IMPORTANT: Download the MINGW setup version
+ 1
Use every source you can, solo learn doesn't cover the whole language, there are basic and complex things you will figure out coding yourself and seeing other people's code
Start with the SoloLearn course
I found the tutorial from freecodecamp's youtube easy to understand
Mo Hani Would I need any source besides sololearn, or is it enough?
Alvaro 1234 Thank you! I have another question. I know I didnt start any lessons yet, but do we code c++ in text editors like sublime text 3? I want to try it on my own laptop not in a website or app.
Yasmeen it's not enough ofcourse, but it's a great start. After you finish it you can watch other youtube tutorial or read a book, and always keep practicing practically, SoloLearn code playground is an excellent place to play with codes and apply codes practically.
Mo Hani Got it, thanks! I appreciate your help😊
Yasmeen You can code in C++ with notepad if you wanted, a good IDE that I used when I learned was Code::Blocks, I like ot because it sets up everything you need; download the MinGW version
Umm, I have sublime text 3 on my laptops thats why I asked about it; however, I dont really know what an IDE is or the other 2 you mentioned. I will try searching a little bit. Thanks!
Perhaps when you get more familiar with the concepts, syntax and compilers you will understand that and IDE isn't necessary; with sublime text you won't be able to build a C++ app, you need a compiler
Aha, I am confused but as you said I will get familiar with these later on..
Ahh, got it👍🏻