Can someone explain me operator precedence in detail?
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Operator Precedence in C
Operator precedence determines which operator is evaluated first when an expression has more than one operators. For example 100-2*30 would yield 40, because it is evaluated as 100 – (2*30) and not (100-2)*30. The reason is that multiplication * has higher precedence than subtraction(-).
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In operator precedence(priority or importance)we have
*,/,+,%,- operators
In which /*% have equal priority and
-+ have equal priority
But among them */% have higest priority than +-
Equation statement is executed from LEFT to RIGHT after = sign.
Output :a=7
Because from Left to RIGHT
* has highest precedence than +
If we want to execute any part of equation first then we right them in () parenthesis.
E.g. b=(5+1)*2
Output: b=12