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How to read an integer from a file and write back it in words to the file in python?
Foe example it reads 123 from file it should write one hundred and twenty three to file
2 Respostas
Created on Aug 23, 2019
@author: Anshap
This program converts numbers (in range 0 .. 999) to words
def main():
less20 = ["null", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
"eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"]
less100 = ["twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"]
f1 = open('numbers.txt')
f2 = open('words.txt', 'w')
f2.write("Output file converts numbers to words\n")
for line in f1.readlines():
line = line.lstrip();
line = line.rstrip();
if line.isdigit():
if int(line) < 20:
for i in range(20):
if line == str(i):
print(line + " " + less20[i], end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less20[i] + '\n')
elif int(line) in range(20, 100):
a = int(line) // 10
b = int(line) % 10
if b == 0:
print(line + " " + less100[a-2], end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less100[a-2] + '\n')
elif b > 0:
print(line + " " + less100[a-2] + "-" + less20[b], end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less100[a-2] + "-" + less20[b] + '\n')
elif int(line) in range(100, 1000):
c = int(line) // 100
d = int(line) % 100
if d == 0:
print(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred ", end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred" + '\n')
elif d > 0:
if d < 20:
for i in range(20):
if str(d) == str(i):
print(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred and " + less20[i], end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred and " + less20[i] + '\n')
elif d >= 20:
a = d // 10
b = d % 10
if b == 0:
print(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred and " + less100[a-2], end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred and " + less100[a-2] + '\n')
elif b > 0:
print(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred and " + less100[a-2] + "-" + less20[b], end='\n')
f2.write(line + " " + less20[c] + " hundred and " + less100[a-2] + '\n')
print("Output file is created.", end='\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':main()