+ 16
Here is the reason while CODING Why we should use TABs instead of WHITESPACE (Space Bar) !! š
In real Computer system 1 Tab = 8 Space Bars While CODING, we use lots of space bars to give spaces between words to achieve Modularity and Readability..but in software Language we are using more memory, decreasing the code performance. Instead if we use TABS, Our code will take take less memory and will execute faster !! please Share it !! please read the complete article on below link and become the best coder -- http://www.businessinsider.com/tabs-vs-spaces-from-silicon-valley-2016-5?IR=T
15 Respostas
+ 20
I thought white space was ignored by software compilers?
+ 20
Unless the programming language is interpreted, it will not run faster or use more memory. Compilers cut out whitespace and reduce to the minimum. Also most languages can be reduced to little or no whitespace (look at minified JavaScript files).
+ 13
No coder or computer scientist worth his or her salt would *ever* advocate actual TAB characters since they render inconsistently across platforms and can therefore make the structure of code appear confusing and less readable. This is particularly important with languages like Python, in which the structure is syntactically significant, and not merely a matter of style.
That said, most good text editors (Notepad++, Sublime) allow for custom settings that will convert a Tab keypress to any number of space characters.
UPDATE 12-17: I've recently found out that there are languages like Elm in which TAB characters are actually syntax errors.
+ 12
You are right! Also, the tab makes it easier to write, instead of pressing space bar many times
+ 10
I personally like spaces more. They are more consistent. When I work in Notepad++, Eclipse and Netbeans on the same programm, everyone shows tabs with a different length. Especially when coding python etc. this can lead to unnecessary errors.
So I configured these programs to write 4 spaces when I press tab.
I think - like @John van den Elzen - that there is no real difference in execution speed. Compilers will cut out whitespace anyway.
+ 8
Sorry, no.
Spacebar maintains its monospace size, tab can equal any length and any number of spaces based on the RTF editor.
Use spacebar, tab is bad practice.
+ 7
Are you sure?
+ 4
@toxicbits You just effectively conceded the point, however, as the overwhelming majority of style guides directly address this topic. Look at Google's various code style guides, for example: they invariably specify that Tab characters are not to be used for indentation.
+ 3
@toxicbits That's your thesis. Where are your arguments? :P
+ 2
hey jenny you have learn all of this coding in solo learn and also created your codes
im new in this codeing world so pls help me to know how to start and also intrested in your journey of coding how you became a programmer and created your own codes
my question is that you have started coding in solo learn or you take some tutions and class on it
+ 2
+ 1
I never use tab honestly.
I just let my compiler (Visual Studio) autoformat everything.
+ 1
People who take this "issue" seriously and condemn one style or the other like some sort of bigot just show that they don't know or care about coding and are just a cargo cult coder.
merkrafter: If someone actually cared about the resulting product, one would wouldn't get dragged down into this religious, time-wasting debate about something like tabs vs. spaces. Does following an indentation style improve the quality or following the basic rules of software engineering? It's just unprofessional bike-shedding. The big open source projects I know have a coding style guide. If one tries to bring up the same tired old argument instead of just adhering to the rules of that specific project he's just holding everyone back.
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