+ 1
teach/learn through semantic Vs syntax
Im thinking about its an "error" teach/learn starting from syntax and explaining the semantic, instead of from semantic and then, when understand the logic entities, explain the syntax? maybe on that way can set a better base to understand in deep whats happening.. in the other way, seems that we start running to programming immediately, but don't understand many of the things happening behind. the dilemma is.. learn to program? or learn how to learn to program?
8 Respostas
+ 4
Quite an interesting question! To my mind, one should start with control structure and data structure concepts. Constructs and datastructs is your semantics. It will be easier to appreciate the implemention of syntax
+ 4
7th and 8th grade is the best time to teach kids logic formulation. Look into LOGO LANGUAGE. Seymour Papert is a child psychologist developed Logo for kids. Being a student Jean Piaget, Seymour made Logo very visual. It is worth looking into and I am sure your daughter will enjoy playing around with the turtle David Carroll
+ 3
I aggree because the the most challenging aspect of programming is DEBUGGING Logic errors. A pseudo code (plain english) may be adopted. A walk-through is needed for correctness logic
+ 2
maybe a good way is first got an introductory overview to general programming, without a defined language, focusing on semantics.
then start to learn a language following the sequence:
*"semantics-syntax-practique-review" lesson by lesson
*levels in basic-medium-advanced style, reserving the jargon to intermediate, etc
*extended overviews of already seen concepts in all levels by needs (common mistakes, typical uses, combination compatibility, extended features, etc
+ 2
I believe that's the idea behind Scratch using drag-n-drop block-based visual programming to semantically construct control flow before having to think about syntax.
I'm teaching my 8th grade daughter these concepts using the curriculum from hourofcode.com.
+ 2
David Carroll thx for share, take an eye of that thread if u wish
+ 2
Da2 Nice! Thanks for the recommendation. 🙏
+ 1
another useful stuff, as difficult as interesting is the systemics (systemic thinking, systems engineering and science).
take an eye, can made ur day