8 Respostas
+ 2
Python OOP is VERY confusing, if you get stuck for too much time I would recommend trying to learn OOP with another language and then come back to Python, Java is very OOP and is OK to learn fast.
OOP on itself is hard so learn first what actually is OOP and then try to code it with Python.
If you really want to go straight with Python I would recommend watching this series on YouTube: https://youtu.be/wfcWRAxRVBA
The video HonFu suggested looks really good too, maybe give it a spin.
+ 1
I didn't realize I was stuck on OOP until now lol. I feel like difficulty was a 2-3, and then jumped to a 7 real quick.
There's no guarantee that the same material will work for everybody, but I like this guy:
Oop makes making a discord bot easy with python https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
MIT coures youtube
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