+ 2
can i learn Kotlin without previous knowledge of java ?
Kotlin is now official language for android studio. I want to learn Kotlin but many people say learn java first then Kotlin.I don't want to learn java. so it's mandatory to learn java first for learn Kotlin or I can learn Kotlin without knowing java.
4 Respostas
+ 7
You do not need Java to learn Kotlin. Of course, it is easier to learn a second or later language than your first. The issue is more Android with Kotlin versus Android with Java. Most examples are in Java. When I started playing Android a year ago, there were only a couple of Kotlin examples so I had to figure out the things from Java. It is much better now, but is likely a year before you won't need to read any Java examples.
+ 7
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[ Java Vs. Kotlin: ]
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+ 5
Yes it also runs on the jvm and I have heard that it's what Java should have been in the first place. Please read up on it for more details.
+ 1
John Wells Thanks.