Rock, Paper, Scissors
How can I improve my code? https://code.sololearn.com/WeuXDkhQqQGQ/?ref=app
4 Respostas
+ 3
check mine ,I also used alerts in the beginning but that wasn't a great idea so add buttons and also score counting 😇
+ 2
Definitely implement style and HTML. Every good website uses this. Besides, it's tedious to have to define errors if somebody inputs something other than rock paper or scissors. Make them buttons. Check out mine: https://code.sololearn.com/WXvj47ZIjt3y/#html
+ 1
- don't use 'prompt()' and 'alert()', instead integrate your input/output in Html document
- keep the possibility to user to replay, without reloading the page ( with cumulation of score, and possibility to restart from 0 )
Well, and you would see after to more improve it ;)
OK thanks :)