Javascript trasform test to date
HTML <input class="form-control" name="birthday" type="text" value="44/01/1985" placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY"> Js var y = document.querySelector('input[name=birthday]').placeholder; var x = document.querySelector('input[name=birthday]').value; hi I can't find a solution for my plugin. I can't transform var X to date I want day, mounth, year Placeholder change for country and i want risolve this
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Are you trying to assign, day to 44, month to 01 and year to 1985?
yes, but based on the format because the format changes according to the language and country of origin eg yyyy / mm / dd, dd / mm / yyyy
dd = 44
mm = 01
yyyy = 1985
Not sure if this is the sort of thing you need as I hardly do any html or javascript and i'm not sure how is impacts the language and country of origin...but if had a go anyway. maybe it's too simplistic for your needs...
var d = new Date();
var datestr = "17/07/1968";
var year = datestr.substr(6,4);
var Month = datestr.substr(3,2);
var Day = datestr.substr(0,2)
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = d;
Have a look at the "Date" "get" methods eg getMonth()