+ 3

Help Needed

Okay so a N number of boys are standing in a line organised by their serial numbers. But the 1st and 2nd boy in the line keep quarrelling and the 1st boy leaves and goes to the end of the line. This counts as 1 rotation. After R rotations, i need the serial number of the 1st and last boy in the line. I almost did it except it works for only the inputs 4, 1, 4. I need something that works no matter what the inputs are. https://code.sololearn.com/cz2R8I1iFzWy/?ref=app

25th Sep 2019, 5:42 PM
Zinnur Hossain
Zinnur Hossain - avatar
6 Respostas
+ 4
25th Sep 2019, 7:44 PM
Oma Falk
Oma Falk - avatar
+ 4
# number rotation please try it, i am not sure if i understand it right import sys try: strt = int(input('enter start number: ')) end = int(input('enter end number')) + 1 rota = int(input('enter rotations:')) + 1 inp = [x for x in range(strt, end)] if end - strt < 2: print('No rotation possible, must have at least 2 pers.') sys.exit() for i in range(strt, rota): inp = inp[1:len(inp)] + inp[0:1] except: print('Invalid input, please check!') print(inp) print(f"number '1' is at pos {inp.index(1)+1}") print(f"number {end-1} is at pos {inp.index(end-1)+1}")
25th Sep 2019, 7:29 PM
Lothar - avatar
+ 3
Zinnur Hossain Thats the Syntax of range. It excludes last value
25th Sep 2019, 8:35 PM
Oma Falk
Oma Falk - avatar
+ 2
Zinnur Hossain I made some little changes and comments
25th Sep 2019, 7:58 PM
Oma Falk
Oma Falk - avatar
+ 1
Oma Falk That works, although it prints one less than the number of boys i want. Say, i want 5 boys so i put the last number as 5, but theres only 4 boys in the list in the output. Also, what does Assembly.pop(0) mean and do?
25th Sep 2019, 7:55 PM
Zinnur Hossain
Zinnur Hossain - avatar
Oma Falk Okay i understand that now, but firstno was supposed to be the serial no. of the first boy and lastno was supposed to be the serial no. of the last boy, so even when the serial no. of the last boy is 4, why does it only go upto 3?
25th Sep 2019, 8:07 PM
Zinnur Hossain
Zinnur Hossain - avatar