+ 5
How can I know the importance of the programming ?
Im new here
9 Respostas
+ 9
By realising that your question would not have been visible to hundreds of thousands of people if not for the work of programmers.
+ 5
By using apps. The fact that you are able to use any app at all is because of programming.
Try not using anything related to programming and then you'll see the role programming has in living.
Excerpt from "C For Dummies, 2nd Edition", Dan Gookin
Look at your computer screen. Imagine something happening there. Anything.
As long as you know how to program a computer, what you imagine will take
place. Okay, maybe not as fast as you like — but it can be done.
Programming is the ultimate way to get even with a computer. You are in charge.
You tell the beast what to do. And it will obey you, even when you tell it to do
something stupid. Computers are fast and obedient, not smart.
Anything your computer does, any devices it talks with or controls, can be
manipulated by using a programming language and writing programs that pull
the right levers.