Help in woocommerce
I want to set a unique value for each product. This unique value should be shown on each product. Checkout page should show the Sum of the unique values of the products present in cart. I want a checkbox if selected, one can checkout only if Sum of unique value is minimum 2000. Is there anybody who can help me for this.
1 Resposta
I haven’t toucht php for 1year but I can help you with the plan.
First you will need a Database to store all The Data. Example Table Layout
Name|Category|Value|Unique ID
Then you would probably need a way to store Items in the database while also generating a new Unique ID.
Therefore you have to first: read All ID’s then generate a new one and after that verify it(ID only exists once) and than you can save the Item in the database.
For user display you would only have to read the database again.
The user could then sellect some items and would send a POST-Request to your server wich would lookup the unique id’s in the database and add its Value.
The Server could then send some kind of request code back to show the user that the price is above 2000