How can I practice java
Not only by sololearn you can also suggest from others
5 Respostas
+ 4
One of my favorite ways to practice Java is using Processing. You can create all kinds of interactive applications there. Also Java is the language for Android, you could easily start creating apps with Android studio. https://processing.org/
+ 1
Tqs bro
+ 1
Cool, I'll need to check that out too, thanks for sharing Saiffyros 👍
+ 1
The coding train is a series on YouTube that uses Processing. In the beginning he used the Java version, lately he's been using the JavaScript one. I highly recommend it. https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-asus-tpin&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ_iAr8oMlZHkdzSjiQh4IU7j3mfA%3A1572280646992&ei=Rhm3XZWOPL3Q5OUPyZWCmAk&q=coding+challenge+daniel+shiffman+java&oq=coding+challenge+daniel+shiffman+java&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-serp.3..33i160.12842.13430..13620...0.0..1.262.889.0j4j1......0....1.PhhRqFZzFjE
Make some console games.