+ 6
Hi guys! Can you tell me which language is used for mobile games/ apps, and where do we have to put the code to make an app?
I want to make some apps for Android and post them on play store. So... that's why I came here. When I googled this question, they told me it's Java. I have almost finished Java and have no idea about how to make apps with Java. So please tell me how to use this coding to make an app. And, you may also tell me other useful language for mobile app/game development. Thanks!
18 Respostas
+ 20
Your Java from here will need to be extended with a more complete course. You will also need an Android development course to learn the ins and outs of that. You must develop your app on a PC using an IDE that supports Android development. I use Intellij and Kotlin to play Android. Intellij also supports Java. Lots of people use Android Studio, which supports both languages. A Web search can find reviews of IDEs supporting Android, languages suggested, more complete language course, and Android development courses.
+ 8
I am a newbie in Android development. I completed Kotlin tutorials and went for android development. If you just have finished Java and want to test the Android development then you have to learn things related to android like Layout, Activity, Activity Life cycle and much more. As I told before that I am a newbie and I am learning these too and these are really fun stuff.
+ 8
• Learning Android Development In 2019 — https://medium.com/mindorks/learning-android-development-in-2019-a-practical-guide-ddc71e008696
• Which Language Should Android Developers Start With — https://dzone.com/articles/java-vs-kotlin-which-language-android-developer-sh
• Programming Languages for
Game Design — https://www.gamedesigning.org/career/programming-languages/
• https://www.sololearn.com/Discuss/99903/?ref=app
+ 5
Thanks fellas! Real thanks for helping me!
+ 3
Make sure to check out Kotlin for Android development or Swift and Objective-C for iOS. However SoloLearn courses only provide the very basics so as soon as you finish one you might wanna search more advanced courses online.
+ 3
Use Android studio, python, and kotlin
Even Java can be used
+ 3
+ 2
Definitly go for C++ for programming. For Android maybe use Unity paired with C#
+ 2
Kotlin, or you can make games using Unity or UE4. Unity & UE4 is mostly either C++ or C#
+ 2
You can try learning c sharp (c#) for making games mostly in Unity or learn
C++ for use in Unreal Engine.
Unreal Engine is mostly used for more complex games with cgi effects etc.
For applications , download the Android Studio and just learn Java (don't need to say :) )
+ 2
Java=Android Studio(game)
I mainly use those. But there is still much more.
<p>You can use Kotlin for mobile apps, but if you want to make a PC game, you could use C#, C++, C, Javascript, and more. Try different options and explore more!</p>
Python also.
Python is useless for making apps
Java is use for Android
Shift is use for iOS
C++ is use for windows
- 1
Nice Question.
You can start JavaScript first as it has similarity to all the other programming languages.
Note that you should choose language for your future work.
The languages with the topics are:
Game Developing: C++, C#
Desktop Application: C, C++
Android Application: Java, Python 3
Web Developing: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
But you can start with JavaScript. It will help you to realize the other languages.
Thank you.
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