+ 19
Can we do everything in python whatever we can do in Java?
Language comparison
36 Respostas
+ 21
There are plenty of Python libraries you would have to create in Java to go the other way (but, you could do so.) I don't know if the same is true of Java libraries missing in Python. In any event, any real language has all the tools required to support porting code from any other one.
+ 18
Most Python coders don't care about speed of running just the speed of coding so many people use it on mainframes. You can create your answer faster in Python than Java counting elapsed time from concept to answer. You might recode in Java after proof of concept so reuse is faster, but a lot is one time use and toss.
+ 8
You're not able to implement complete data hiding in Python from what I understand.
+ 7
In Python you don’t need seperate files for classes like you do in Java so generally it is easier
+ 6
i’m not sure about slicing and other pythonic stuff but yes
+ 6
Tamar Peer, you've got for and while loops in python which are far more easier than java's while, for, switch and do...while loops
+ 6
Yes definitely you can do everything in python even it is more simple than java where you have you write a large code just to perform a simple thing you can do that in just one or two line with the help of python.....it have plenty of libraries for performing diff task
+ 6
Seems like Android development is better/more straightforward in Java but still can be done in Python.
+ 5
Important question and helpful answers.
+ 5
Mirielle🐶 [Inactive]
Have you seen this.
buildozer -v android debug
+ 5
+ 5
+ 5
The syntax is different but yes, you can do the same thing
+ 4
You can implement a switch in Python either with lots of ifs or with mapping tricks.
+ 4
Y es python is a great language which is recently developed,and is more easy for a beginner to learn.
+ 3
John Wells There’s a Python implementation known as Jython which runs on the JVM and I believe it has access to all the Java classes.
+ 3
Theoretically yes, but in some cases you do some things in a particular language better than the other
+ 2
I doubt you would seriously try to use python on a mainframe.