+ 10
What is the difference in using <strong> and <b> tags?
28 Respostas
+ 6
Use the semantic HTML5 tags like <strong> and <em> as they are meant to replace the legacy tags <b> and <i>.
The reason for semantic tags is to decouple tags using abbreviations or names that describe the formatting.
<b> is bold and <i> is italic which describe their format rather than their usage.
<strong> could be restyled to underlined without causing discrepancy with the tag name.
+ 10
No visible difference all :)
+ 8
If someone uses a screen reader in his/her browser to read the text out loud, the <strong> tag is recognized to read the text a bit stronger. Same for the <em> tag for more emphasis.
So the use of these tags is important to make your site more accessible for everyone, even those with for example a visual impairment.
+ 7
Text between <strong> and </strong> is important text. These tags are used for the text which is important.
<b> and </b> is used to make text bold.
But the browser display text in <strong> as same as <b>
+ 6
I suppose posts like this attract opportunities for everyone to keep posting the same misleading answers here without reviewing whether or not they are duplicating the same answers.
Before my other answer gets lost in the mix, let me summarize the following:
Although <b> and <strong> tags behave the same, you should avoid using <b> where either <strong>, heading tags or CSS can be used.
<b> tag should be avoided... it's a relic of the previous HTML standards.
Read through this link for more info:
NOTE: I will be unsubscribing from this post now. Please tag me if you need my attention.
+ 5
<strong> tag is used for the text which is important .
<b> tag is used to make text bold.
+ 3
Search Q&A. The question has been asked before.
+ 2
The two does the same function
But have different meaning
Strong marks a text as important
B tag will bold the text also marking it as important
+ 2
The difference is that the browser know that <strong> and <em> is important, meanwhile <b> and <i> is not (just decoration)
+ 1
...important for seo-spiders that go to your webpage and index the text. did I write clearly? or does my message require clarification in more detail?
+ 1
strong tag is not used by seo spiders?
+ 1
<strong> is a html5 tag while <b> is a tag used by earlier version html.
<strong> tag was introduced to bring meaning to the user/programmer rather than changing website apperance
+ 1
Ярослав Вернигора (Yaroslav Vernigora)
Do you have a reference link to that claim regarding strong vs b tags and SEO spiders?
My understanding is the are no SEO differences with these two tags. I haven't reviewed anything that would suggest this has changed.
+ 1
No. It was a video actually about html that expained so
+ 1
They both perform the same function. NO difference
+ 1
The html5 tags <strong> and <b> are just the same thing but the <strong> show how important a text is, while<b> tag is for bolding of text.
+ 1
It will seen same or you can use css property font-weight:bold;
+ 1
In fact no difference between them
The <strong> tag to identify as important content inside itself., <b> just to change font weight to bold.
This question has been asked before ... not just on sololearn but in various other forums as well. Might I suggest searching for the answer before punishing us with another redundant question?