How can structure MVC pattern of a web framework?
I'm trying to find the best way of structuring the MVC patterns in Golang.
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Model view controller (MVC) s an architectural pattern usually used in web-based applications. It provides three main layers; model, view, and controller. Many developers use MVC as a standard design pattern. It is a complete framework. MVC provide three types of classes:
A. Model- Model classes are used to implement the logic of data domains. These classes are used to retrieve, insert or update the data into the database associated with our application.
B. View- Views are used to prepare the interface of our application. By using that interface users interact with our application.
C. Controller- Controller classes are used to respond to the user’s requests. Controller classes perform the users requested actions. These classes work with model classes and select the appropriate view that should be displayed to the user according to user requests.