+ 2

What after PYTHON?

To beginners, we all have confusion about what to learn after 'python'? Do we start Machine learning or else something? Let's gets answers from our friends to make it easier for beginners

29th Nov 2019, 8:23 AM
kumar - avatar
3 Respostas
+ 8
The standard library is really like a swiss army knife. So much useful stuff there, in addition to the libraries already mentioned: functools, urllib, requests, csv, xml, json, sys, os, pickle, and many more. Getting familiar with generators and generator expressions is also a good way to write more pythonic code. Practicing OOP will help you with bigger projects. If you are interested in data analysis, learn numpy, pandas and matplotlib. If you are interested in web scraping, learn selenium and BeautifulSoup. If you are interested in building desktop apps or gui, still a variety of libraries to choose from, like kivy, tkinter, pyqt, pysimplegui...
29th Nov 2019, 9:12 AM
Tibor Santa
Tibor Santa - avatar
+ 5
Nice question! It really depends on your interests, though. Machine learning is always fun, so a good start could be with computer vision, learning how to leverage the opencv library. To learn about web frameworks, I would start with Flask. Flask is amazing. But for me, the best would be to start learning about the incredible built in libraries from Python Standard Library, because there are tons of hidden secrets which most developers don't know about. For example, diving in to the collections package, the itertools package, or the threading package (although this one is more known, but it is essential to master). Happy coding! Hope that was helpful :) Any questions you can ask me, any time.
29th Nov 2019, 8:45 AM
Gonçalo Magalhaes
Gonçalo Magalhaes - avatar
+ 4
Indeed Tibor Santa , PSL is a swiss army knife. Python is awesome ;)
29th Nov 2019, 10:01 AM
Gonçalo Magalhaes
Gonçalo Magalhaes - avatar