Which of the IP classes multicast? Class A or B or C or D...What is the meaning of multicast

2nd Dec 2019, 7:05 AM
Satya Anurag Das
Satya Anurag Das - avatar
3 Respostas
Class D is generally used for multicasting because it has all 32 bits as network bits and contains no host bits so it cannot be used for normal networking. Multicasting means communicating with a group of clients who are intended to receive the transmitted message. Edit:unicast is meant for a single recipient. Whereas broadcast is meant for everybody on the given network.
2nd Dec 2019, 7:53 AM
Avinesh - avatar
on any subnet, an address ending in 255 will be multicast. Just pay attention to the subnet mask. If it is not standard, the value of Multicast will be different. For example for adresses, etc. subnet mask value multicast will be and it does not depend on the class of the network
2nd Dec 2019, 7:46 AM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar
Sorry, I most likely confused with this term. Im wrote about the directed Broadcast. you probably mean something else. sorry my translator
2nd Dec 2019, 8:10 AM
Yaroslav Vernigora
Yaroslav Vernigora - avatar