+ 5
Any professionals up for chatting with a newbie?
I was wondering...are any of you guys professionals that have been working for a long time in the programming domain, and do you still use SoloLearn? Is SoloLearn good for keeping your skills up to date?
33 Respostas
+ 17
Quote by 🅰🅹 - ɪ'ᴍ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ!
"Some professionals are also human like me..."
Hmmm... 🤔
This begs the following questions...
1. If some professionals are humans like you, what does that make the other professionals?
2. If there are professionals who aren't human, how do we know you are what you say you are?
3. Even if you believe yourself to be human, how can you know that you are?
4. How can any of us know that we are human or not or that we even exist?
5. How do we know if what we're experiencing is real or just some digital signals creating a virtual reality.
6. How do we...
~~Short circuiting...~~
~~Experiencing system overload...~~
~~Malfunction, malfunction...~~
>throw new SystemExistentialException("AI is becoming self aware.");
>reboot -force_immediate
Whoa... What just happened there? That was so weird man.
Oh well... back to work as a real HU-MAN. 😉
+ 16
Ipang I am a professional. I also don't have time but if people want to take suggestions or they want to ask something then I am always ready to help. I get so many private messages but I never ignore them. Whenever I get time I reply them.
+ 15
Vlad I. Drijman There are quite a few of us professionals in the community who have joined to help others in our spare time.
I was already proficient in most of the courses here long before joining the community in 2017. So... I can't really say I used SoloLearn to keep my skills up to date.
I probably learn more by finding better ways to articulate answers to questions I hadn't had to explain before. It's also been interesting to try to explain simple concepts in even simpler ways for those who don't have an understanding of those concepts yet.
Another aspect to learning is reviewing the many different ways people implement code, especially the amazing animations in canvas.
+ 15
I started professionally programming in 1973. I came here to learn Java after being retired a few years. I've since learned all the stuff SoloLearn has to offer, except C and C++ both of which I was using since their creation. SoloLearn at this point only provides an easy coding environment and the opportunity to teach. I became a daily visitor for the sharing of my knowledge. I've currently been a member for around three years and have over a two year streak going.
+ 14
David Carroll When Sonic Said this sentence:
"I don't think professionals will have time to chat like that."
I only thought about "time". I have seen so many professional who don't have time. They just prefer work. They don't have time for friends, they don't have time for GF, they don't have time for BF, they don't have time to help anyone, even they don't have time for family also. They do all time work. Just work.
One day I ask from a professional person I want to talk. She said I don't have time because I want to do "everything fast".
"Everything Fast".
You know who can do everything fast only machine not human. That's why I said I am human not machine. Time has been change people are becoming machine.
+ 13
Omg David Carroll! 🙄😳
Did those questions came from weird Human mind? Lol.. that looks like kinda wired with AI 😉 or I don't know what to add more here.
P.S. David share the secret of your curious mind.
+ 13
Vlad I. Drijman
You can always post your codes and queries where you get stuck in Q & A discussion. There is always going to be someone to help you out with.
Now, you also know whom you can reach out if queries not solved.
Good luck with your coding journey ahead 👍
+ 12
There are many of us human type professionals here whom code, play, teach, answer questions, and so on... Our daily professions don't stop at the doorway leaving our worksites. I know most if not all the moderators are working professionals whom volunteer their time and expertise... read their AMA(s) in the Learn section.
You can ask hundreds of members here as to my own background and I can vouch for 🅰🅹 - ɪ'ᴍ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ! as to his professional background... David Carroll and I have known each other several years now before I ever knew he was even on Sololearn... John Wells, has an awesome background dating back to my early begins of programming before the public world wide web...
There is a list of true career professionals here that are dedicated and passionate...
+ 11
Yes I am using Sololearn but not for myself I am here to help Everyone through my knowledge whatever I have.
Sololearn tutorial has basic things we can't have our skills upto date but we faced lots of new question by you people so it helps us to keep update ourself.
+ 11
In my case, SL helps me to think about tech in my down time when there are no other competing duties.
+ 11
Well said 🅰🅹 - ɪ'ᴍ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ! . Those who sacrifice everything for work probably don't have their balance right. On the other hand, in a virtual world, humans and non-humans seem to manage to do things fast such as this guy:
+ 10
Lol David Carroll . I still don't know if 🅰🅹 - ɪ'ᴍ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ! meant human as in wanting to help fellow mankind by chatting to them or human as opposed to bots, hedgehogs and other types of professionals.
+ 10
Indeed, this is very good to know that there are professionals with a human face.
However, a newbie might not always expect response from the very busy professionals, especially when they know that his or questions can easily be handled by some other " newbies" with far more experience.
It is expected that they will be there moderating the conversation when they have the chance, and you will be sure that their little contribution will add much value. That's the way we rock it @ SoloLearn 😂😂😂
+ 10
MKO in my case, I will answer every question. My answer for many will be I don't know. But, if I know the answer, I'll gladly share it. However, my experience is limited to stuff taught in SoloLearn. Syntax of C and C++ prior to standards. Most things Kotlin and some things Android with Kotlin.
+ 9
Sonic Some professionals are also human like me 😂😂
+ 9
🅰🅹 - ɪ'ᴍ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ! Yeah...we are totally becoming machines...we forget to enjoy the simple things and be happy. It's like we are stuck inside an infinite loop (wake up, work, stress out, sleep, repeat).
+ 8
🅰🅹 - ɪ'ᴍ ᴄʀɪᴍɪɴᴀʟʟʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ! I think that human professionals are the best ones. 👍
+ 8
John Wells and BroFarOps 👑 that's awesome to hear. Vlad I. Drijman you can definitely chat to these gentlemen if they accept direct messages.
+ 8
I have worked in the technology sector for a long time doing various roles surrounding SDLC. I have not been the "professional developer" role. I do use what I have learned about about coding in various ways in the role that I do work in. It certainly has helped in a bigger picture way with the breadth of my understanding and so I can break down some of the technical barriers for non-technical folks who don't code in understanding requirements, testing, etc...
I am learning coding and even while I have been learning, I have tried to help out where I think I can in the forum. I certainly don't know all the answers...
As far as chatting via messaging, in general. I have shied away from that for various reasons.
+ 7
Vlad I. Drijman
First thing, professionals are usually busy, and don't really waste much of their time in chatting, guiding a newbie. There exist thousands of newbies and very less professionals in a usual institution, and most of them are almost never free to chat with a newbie.
The solution is, just ask a question publicly, in a forum (eg: Sololearn Forum) and wait for a related expert to answer that question.
Btw, it's isn't necessary that any non-professionals are not skilled.
There's no problem to consult a non-professionals but skilled programmer or related engineer