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What do these terms mean?
I've always had trouble understanding these terms, can you simplify them in your own words?: Public, static, void, private
3 Respostas
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It is a access specifier. It specifies the limit of use of any variables, class, methods etc. If you use public as a specifier than you can access it from anywhere inside your package.
Ex: public class A
It is keyword that is used to make a variable, object, method etc as a class oriented. Means there values or property remain same for all the objects. If you have 2 objects ob and obj builded from a class having a class variable(static int a;). Than if you change its value in one object, it will get changed into the other also.
Static is also used to call a method without creating object of some class.
Every method return something. Like int sum(int a, int b) return (a+b) ;
It returns a int value. But what if you don't want that a functions should return anything. In that case use void keyword. Ex void sum(int a, int b) //body
It is also a type of access specifier. If you use this specifer than you can access that thing(maybe variable, methods etc) inside the class o
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only. You cannot use that code from outside of that class.
You will understand better about access specifier and static keyword when you will study about object and classes.
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A small change, the public access modifier can be accessed from any package within a project provided that you have imported that package.