+ 8

How to convert .java to .exe

10th Feb 2017, 4:50 AM
7 Respostas
+ 5
Look into Jwrapper Launch4j java2exe but maybe read this first https://www.excelsior-usa.com/articles/java-to-exe.html
10th Feb 2017, 5:00 AM
ChaoticDawg - avatar
+ 12
@Ekansh, you don't get any xp for marking your own answer best so you should mark that answer best which helped you. //Just telling. Peace!
19th May 2017, 1:52 PM
Biraj Patel
+ 12
But if you mark someone else's answer best (who helped you), they will get I think 10-20 xp & 1 xp on each upvote. Helpers deserve it!
19th May 2017, 2:14 PM
Biraj Patel
+ 8
16th May 2017, 6:57 AM
+ 5
@ekansh and @biraj you will get xp on your own upvote after marking your own answer the best
19th May 2017, 2:12 PM
Vaibhav Sharma
Vaibhav Sharma - avatar
+ 4
Generally Java programs are converted into executable .jar files and not exe files. The jar files are executable and can also be added to your other projects. Still if you want to convert java files to exe files there are third party resources available like JSmooth .exe wrapper, JarToExe,etc but these convert your jar files in .exe. Hope this helps.
10th Feb 2017, 5:07 AM
Varun Moghe
Varun Moghe - avatar
+ 3
@biraj I agree with you
19th May 2017, 2:17 PM
Vaibhav Sharma
Vaibhav Sharma - avatar