+ 5
Hey all, what was your first programming project? 😊
I mean after you started with learning and at some point you would've to see how you are doing and to produce something yours.
5 Respostas
+ 6
my first projects:
- calculator (the classic one :D )
- dvd management software with db connect (i have a lot of movies, so i made this with description, short trailer, if i give it to someone, ....)
- small games like tetris, snake, hangman, ...
- try to write a browsergame (it was too much so maybe later :D )
- 2d game maker (also not finished yet)
- small chat
- as a school project a "facebook" clone
- small picture manipulation tool (e.g: add blue filter over uploaded jpeg)
- conways game of life
- webcrawler
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My first was Hello world😁 later I created simple android app - battery widget
+ 5
technically the first piece of software I finished was this little rgb program.
It isn't much, but it is mine
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www.insectas.com - my first WordPress site. All pictures (well..almost all) are my shots also.