+ 4
What is the biggest problem when you still newbie in learning programming?
Hey everybody, I'm new in programming. the biggest problem that I do when I learning is the source, most of the source especially python is writen in english,which is my first language is not english. it is too hard to understand, but I keep in trying. please share your experience and give me some motivate. :)
8 Respostas
+ 4
It may be a bit slower to read an English source about a programming language.
The upside: You improve at two languages at once. ;)
+ 2
I advise you to learn English because most programming languages are written in English
It will also help you in interacting with others because the most accepted language is English
+ 2
really things are not easy specially when you are doing alone
Dont't take too much learn it day by day and mist important don't leave one day you will be master in that.
so just not give a shit on negative vibes because you will get the results for what you are doing now.
so just be happy be calm and carry on. and all the very best for your learning... :)
+ 1
I am also new with programming, the only thing is you have to practice and practice. and ya English is sometimes problem but if you just dive in you don't find as a problem
. AND also English is not my first language. so readers if there is any grammatical error then sorry for it.
Just keep focus on learning something new every and each day....
+ 1
Most programming language syntax mean the same thing with English, so if you know English programming is as easy as pie
+ 1
I am also a noob in programming and English is not my first language, but 2 years ago I started studying English seriously and now I'm better than all my classmates. My main font of improvement were and still are Youtube videos. When I started learning this beautiful language, I found an American youtuber that made me laugh so much, but at the same time I was learning, so I didn't have much trouble, I just enjoyed myself :).
I hope this helps you. Follow your dreams
+ 1
Sebastian nice, what is the channel name of that american youtuber? I also watch youtube to learn english.