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Code Coach 'Super Sale' 👍 SOLVED
Have somebody solved the 'Super Sale' challenge ? I Don't know what is wrong because all checks are OK except the number 4 Need some help, I can't sleep 😜
25 Respostas
I only used casting to int on my final result and it worked.
Edit. I just checked yours with int and it works.
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go get some sleep and come back fresh.. .it's not going to run away... 😉
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import math
itemsList = [float(s) for s in input().split(",")]
# all except the most expensive item
# get 30% discount
# and the 7% tax as saving
sumForSale = 0.0
TAX = 1.07
# check if there is more than 1 item to buy
# find and save the most expensive item
# and remove it from the list of items
if(len(itemsList) > 1):
mostExpensiveItem = max(itemsList)
for item in itemsList:
sumForSale += float(item)
# round to the upper value,
# giving 'decimals' as a tip
print(math.floor(sumForSale * DISCOUNT * TAX))
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Post your try here.
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There was no casting/rounding error, only sorting problem between array of strings and array of floats.
Laura Stasiulė see DM
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I had the same problem with case #4, but I converted all the costs to floats instead of integers and it helped.
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🌶️alapeño You're welcome.
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Thank you Mihai Apostol
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Laura Stasiulė Are you having problems in C# for this challenge?
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Did you cast your final result to int?
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I used Math.Floor(mySum)
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I cannot quite get a hold of it. Post your code here or DM me the code and I will try to help you.
There were a few problems with round/floor/ceil/int... between different languages for the CCC.
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Sooner or later,I will find out the solution :))
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My solution:
sum = 0
prices = input().split(",")
prices_of_items = []
for price in prices:
for price in prices_of_items:
sum += price
taxed_sales = sum * 1.07
discount_sales = (max(prices_of_items) + (sum - max(prices_of_items)) * 0.7) * 1.07
import math
total_saving = math.floor(taxed_sales - discount_sales)
+ 1
Same for me :/
Yes,with case number 4... tried to code different ways,but still doesn't work
Still doesn't work. I use double,not float,could it be the problem? Tried to check with float,but then there is an error and I gave up :D
I guess it's something different,because I tried +1/-1 to see if case 4 would work