+ 2
Guys most programers say "do not learn coding on internet"what's your personnal opinion
15 Respostas
+ 10
Where does this statement come from, 'Most programmers... '?
I would doubt that most programmers nowadays think this.
+ 15
They may be refering to the fact they learn better in the classroom. There are different ways to learn and not everyone can suceed with all of them. Internet or books work perfectly for me. I can't learn in a classroom. I lose focus and miss information. If that happens with the Intenet, I can return to that point and restart.
+ 6
You should learn from trusted sites don't rely on others because you can't become a programmer if you do not practice yourself.
You can get a lot of help from internet like books, searching programs and check how others have solved similar problems on hand.
+ 5
I think you have typed extra word on your question.
"Guys most programers say "do learn coding on internet"what's your personnal opinion"
+ 3
I find the internet to be a pretty good source of information but you really got to be careful. I always take into consideration the sites credibility as a source of information and whatever I take away from it I always confirm.
+ 3
It depends on a person. If it’s easy for you to learn programming from the internet, why not.
+ 2
Nothing like that...First know about your website and it's community .If it has good community and they can help us
With our problems.
+ 2
The internet is a double edged sword, yes you can learn to do things, but sometimes important details are left out. The biggest problem i see from learning online and this is true for both my hobbies programming and music, is that more often than not some vital information is missing, they cover the how to very well but are missing some of the why's. If that makes sense.
+ 2
it is question of preferences. i don’t like learn on internet. i cannot to learn without teacher.
+ 2
It is hard. My view is that if I read stuff I will forget, if it will be shown to me I will learn, to but only when I will practice what I have read and been shown I will understand. That's mean the source is important but not as much as applying the information from the source.
+ 1
100% of programmers use the internet all the time for reference or tutorials. 0% say not to.
+ 1
Internet all the way to the bank wooooo
+ 1
I ALWAYS use practical examples/uses for all the code I teach myself.
+ 1
Well I'd say it's wrong and besides this kinda shouldn't be said because basically programmers are suppose to online freaks, I mean things comes out everyday the thing you don't know, so if you don't use the internet what should you use then. Well it's good you use book but the writers where did you think they got d articles or ideas from if not internet or other stuffs. So I go against that
+ 1
I would agree, but only half way. You have to do more than just the online course if you really want to learn.