how much c++ or java we have to learn to got a job in companies as a programmer companies like :- normal :- infosis top :- google , apple

16th Jul 2016, 1:18 PM
7 Respostas
+ 7
deepak, I think you might be asking the wrong question. That doesn't mean you shouldn't ask it, it means that asking this question the way you did, shows that you might be on the wrong train of thought. Asking a question like "How much do I have to learn / invest in time to be payed this amount of money / to get a job with this amount of prestige?" shows that your incentive is non-technical. Pls be aware that, as with many other jobs, being good at something is not easy and requires years of stern commitment. That being said, the incentive the most successful people in their domain have, is intrinsic (based on inner values, like interest in the thing itself), not extrinsic (recognition from other people, money, fame). I didn't say this to judge, I said it to help you make the decision that I think you are actually concerned with: What should I do to earn money for a living? If you need skill for the thing you choose, you really need to be interested in the thing as there will be hard times that test your resolve. This resolve usually does not come from the external motivation factors. Again, this is not to judge or anything.
16th Jul 2016, 3:09 PM
Stefan - avatar
+ 2
it's not how much of one language you know, it's more how well do you know programing. there's more to working as a programmer than knowing a language. it depends on a lot of factors. Is the company looking for someone to maintain an older system, then you're locked to that systems language. is the company looking to launch a new project, you have to decide which language would best suit that project and why. since you can relatively do most of the same things across different languages, the key factor that will set you apart from another candidate is what does your code show about you as a programmer that sets you apart from others.
16th Jul 2016, 1:26 PM
+ 1
@Karan: Thank you 😀
16th Jul 2016, 3:35 PM
Stefan - avatar
+ 1
Stefan sir I respect your replay and I really try on it , with my best
16th Jul 2016, 8:56 PM
It depends. some jobs in programmers require only a basic understanding in c++ or java. some jobs in programmers need an expertise in c++ or java.
16th Jul 2016, 3:22 PM
_Geometry dash_ _Roh_ (AKA NovaRate0315)
_Geometry dash_ _Roh_ (AKA NovaRate0315) - avatar
Also you can get some information in websites like the 'jobs' tab in stackoverflow.
16th Jul 2016, 3:23 PM
_Geometry dash_ _Roh_ (AKA NovaRate0315)
_Geometry dash_ _Roh_ (AKA NovaRate0315) - avatar
very well answered Stefan
16th Jul 2016, 3:27 PM
Karan Luther
Karan Luther - avatar