HST2: INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING LAB Write a program that checks if a word supplied as the argument is an Isogram. An Isogram is a word in which no letter occurs more than once. Create a method called is_isogram that takes one argument, a word to test if it's an isogram. This method should return a tuple of the word and a boolean indicating whether it is an isogram. If the argument supplied is an empty string, return the argument and False: (argument, False). If the argument supplied is not a string, raise a TypeError with the message 'Argument should be a string'. My answer : def is_isogram(word) : if word is isogram: return ('word', True) else: return ('word', False) if word == "" : return( word, false) elif not word: Raise TypeError ("Argument should be a string") With my answer the code is till giving error, I need your help all