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Beginner Code
What would be the best code to learn starting out with no knowledge?
8 Respostas
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Like the rest of the answers say, it depends on what you want to work on. If you want to work on Web development, I recommend starting with HTML, since it's used for creating the base and content of the webpage. If you want to work on programming or game design, I recommend JavaScript or Python, though I haven't completely finished the Phython lessons. I am almost done with it, and I can say that it helps when you start programming. There probably a lot of other examples I could list, but those are probably the main ones, in my opinion.
I hope this helps! Have fun coding! ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ(◕ᴗ◕✿)
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C tutorial
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As stated previously, it depends what you want to achieve. If you’re interested in iOS development, it wouldnt recomended to learn VBA for example.
A good starting point for a wide variety of applications is Python. It’s easier to learn a lot of coding concepts, compared with other languages, which can then be used and applied in different languages for different problems.
Just my 10c worth.
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James LaRosa You're welcome! I'm happy to help!
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for me it was really useful to start with HTML/CSS and than add JavaScript, because I needed to see the result and little changes right away, to get a feeling for it. At the moment I'm learning Python, for me it's much easier than Java (I tried it two years ago)
it really depends on what you want to do with it- This question has been asked and answered many times here. Check the search bar. Personally I started with Python (started with no knowledge). Or start with html if you are interested in web development. Good luck and welcome!
Thank you guys!!! <3
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Basic C codes are very useful and helpful for beginners