[SOLVED] How to reduce time limit while performing operations on 10000 inputs from user in python3??
8 Respostas
+ 1
from timeit import timeit
from random import randint
def f():
l=[randint(1, 100) for i in range(10000)]
p=randint(1, 10)
for i in l:
def g():
p=randint(1, 10)
l1=[randint(1, 100)^p for i in range(10000)]
print(timeit(f, number=100))
print(timeit(g, number=100))
To do any sort of testing, you need to create a setting that's testable. You'll hardly find people inputting 10000 values for you.
So I have tried to instead create 10000 random values. In one function I use your calculate-and-append mode, in another I create a list comp directly.
Then I test both functions with timeit to see which runs faster.
It seems to me that the listcomp version is slightly faster.
You can copy the pattern:
Make different algos for the same task, then run them with timeit to test which one performs better.
+ 2
That's a question that is absolutely case-based.
Do you want to transform the user input into an int?
Or do you want to transform the user input into a chess move and calculate if it's checkmate?
Obviously one will take longer. ;-)
So in order to help you, we need details. Show us your code, then we can try to find ways to make it quicker.
+ 1
What is the aim of the code? What are you planning to do eventually? And can you link it?
(Again: Performance optimization is code-specific.)
+ 1
I am going to perfrom exor operation between a number and each element in list.... But the problem is the list is of 100000 elements.... So the result is TLE
Aim is to perform EXOR operation on each element in list
Are you taking 10,000 user inputs at once?