+ 25
How is it possible to send 2 complete storms in a day ??
These days , I've obeserved that some people are sending me 2*15 challenges in a day . Can anybody have their proof or state the theory behind this trick . Probably, they reserved the challenges on previous day . Note:- Irrelevant of the weapon they use .
33 Respostas
+ 14
Okay, I tried to scroll back but couldn't get through to the post....
Suppose now, I am very busy, as usual, but want to storm Farhanaz 🌟 . I just quickly select 15 challenges hoping to send them afterwards. But in the process, got so many incoming storms....., and I don't want them to expire...., etc, the day is gone, could not send the storm.
Exactly 24 hours later, I just decided to do the same thing, selected and kept another 15 challenges for you, and still have a similar crazy day....., the previous ones have about 23 hours left to expire, while the current ones have 48 hours.
Perhaps much earlier in the morning the third day when the previous ones still have some hours left, I decided to send you two storms, those storms are for 2 days before, and yesterday...
After some hours, it will then be possible to send the third storm, meaning a maximum of three storms per day!!!
+ 15
But what is the trick behind it .
How did you manage it ?
+ 14
😱😱 Farhanaz 🌟 back 2 back challenge questions 😂😂
Okay, so yes MiKoLa🌐🛐🆖🎁🔥 and 🔥Ghost Rider🔥 both mentioned correct math behind sending double or triple stroms. I think the max is triple stroms you can reserve.
Also, do not forget the time frame of individual day. So, if the first storm you have reserved but did not played on the same day or 2nd day. That same storm hours keeps reducing. Finally, when you send out that storm you will see the hours left to play. And the opponent has only left hours time to clear your reserved storm. And same applies to other 2 days reserved storm.
I hope all the information shared with you make sense. 😁😂😂
+ 13
Sonic Reserving the challenges is the Good idea . When the second player is inactive in playing storms at that day . But , don't want to loose the storms between that period of time . And , can send when they are active .
Storming thrice after 3 days is better than , Storming once after 3 days !!!!
+ 12
MiKoLa🌐🛐🆖🎁🔥 🔥Ghost Rider🔥
I might missed the chance while you sharing .
It may probably , double .
But how triple ??
+ 11
I thought I had shared this several times in the House.....😂😂😂
+ 11
So it looks like reserving challenges on busy days is the trick to this. Anyway, there is no unfair advantage here as the average number of storms that one player can send out to another player per day is still one. I.e. (3 storms)/(3 days) = 1 storm per day, where we're defining 1 storm to be 15 challenges and the 3 days include the two days that the initiator reserved but didn't send out the storms.
+ 11
Save challenges from previous 24h and do they later. Pointless but some people find it cool.
+ 10
I understand had that myself too few times definitely a solo glitch or your happy day XD
+ 10
Farhanaz 🌟 I was to send you three storms but I slept off. Please, just take the third one at once, 😂😂😂
+ 9
✳AsterisK✳ No that person sent the storm in the same day I accepted the storm !
In the way that ,
he sent 1 storm in the morning , second one at night
+ 8
I have had that to, and i think lots of does at the to did get that, maybe the other person already send you the first and you didn't play em until few mins to expiration the other person can still send another because 24hrs already elapse and it will look like you getting 2*15 from a single person
+ 8
Obviously, you can always do that with great, capable and very responsible stormers like Farhanaz 🌟🌹 ,🔥Ghost Rider🔥 🍨and the rest, because you are sure they will respond quickly and help you to grow your XPs...,Thanks very much as always 😂😂😂
+ 8
👑 Tchybooxuur!
I am quite happy with the salty stuff... 😉😝
Nothing sweet for me, Thank you.. 😁
+ 7
ferdous Riaz
I'm going to look for my net to put above your head so we can catch everything... 😂👍🏼👍🏼😜
+ 7
Well explained MiKoLa🌐🛐🆖🎁🔥
Eshe! Thanks!
+ 7
👑 Tchybooxuur!
Sounds like lot of work.. 😅
Such a hassle.. 😥
+ 7
ferdous Riaz
I totally agree. But then, nothing sweet comes easy though.
+ 6
Everything went above my head.. 🐸
+ 6
Farhanaz 🌟 yes I agree if challenging is your goal 👍.