Which language is good Angular JS or Bootstrap 3 ?
2 Respostas
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The other answer is almost perfect, except for one thing: AngularJS (I assume you're referring to AngularJS 1.x, NOT Angular 2+) absolutely does not require you learn TypeScript.
As for the answer, this is a real Apples-and-Oranges scenario: the two are not comparable.
Bootstrap is a CSS library (it's not really a framework, tho it calls itself that) that makes writing decent looking websites easier (i.e., you don't have to be a CSS ninja). It's great if you're more focused on the Developer side of things than the Design side. I'd actually recommend you try Bulma instead, as it's a little cleaner and doesn't require jQuery (Bootstrap does).
AngularJS, on the other hand, is a JavaScript framework. It's a little dated by now, but it's still very popular. It makes writing stuff like Single Page Applications a lot easier.
Both of them are frameworks not languages. Angular JS helps you write frontend easier but you have to learn TypeScript and have access to a console on your server. However bootstrap 3 is easier to implement without learning any additional language but creativity with bootstrap is limited. In most cases, you can use the two together.