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Can sololearn make me become Ethical hacker from this group and learn cyber security
Ethical hacker and Cyber security
11 Respostas
+ 4
Definitely not, but they are big help understanding the basic.
I will recommend:
Hacker101 ctf https://ctf.hacker101.com/
To get use to exploitation process, and tools
Also over-the-wire ctf https://overthewire.org/wargames/bandit/
To get accustomed with the Linux environment and bash.
Understanding how critical some vulnerabilities are compare to another.
Top ten most critical vulnerabilities
Follow exploit script too
Read bug hunters process of exploitation
There is no much difference between a Penetration tester and a bug hunter, so using any of the side material could be helpful
+ 3
Just search on Google. Google will teach u everything.
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No, SoloLearn is a platform to learn programming specifically.
I recommend LiveOverflow if you're looking to binge watch some cyber security videos.
+ 1
Not really from scratch, but you can definitely learn a lot, especially in his series about binary exploitation.
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There's plenty on the internet, mostly in the CTF community.
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I guess just get experience and make friends with the CTF gurus.
Do u know or have a hacking group if know of any
How can I be a part of any
This CTF, is it a app in play store
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Liveoverflow hmmm ok thanks
So I can learn how to hack from here am are right
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I want to become Ethical Hacker and Cyber security