+ 15
Friends has your questions been approved recently?
I have pending question ranging from few weeks to months. So have your question got approved recently.
19 Respostas
+ 15
@gaurav by the logic of that example your answer should be
Hope it helps cause I really don't know anything about that topic.
+ 13
just got some accepted from HTML which was posted 2 days ago.
+ 12
@Moksh just got that one from JavaScript approved.
But have from java, c#, php and now html.
+ 12
has your been approved now?
+ 12
@gaurav I don't know anything about that but since you asked just read online about it. You may already know it but I think this is probably close to your answer. And remember I don't have to study about Boolean expression, I just think same logic could be applied to your question.
Conversion of POS form to standard POS form or Canonical POS form
We can include all the variables in each product term of the POS form equation, which doesn’t have all the variables by converting into standard POS form. The normal POS form function can be converted to standard POS form by using the Boolean algebraic law, (A * A’ = 0) and by following the below steps.
Step 1:
By adding each non-standard sum term to the product of its missing variable and its complement, which results in 2 sum terms
Step 2:
Applying Boolean algebraic law, A + BC = (A + B) * (A + C)
Step 3:
By repeating the step 1, until all resulting sum terms contain all variables
By these three steps we can convert the POS function into standard POS function.
F = (A’ + B + C) * (B’ + C + D’) * (A + B’ + C’ + D)
In the first term, the variable D or D’ is missing, so we add D*D’ = 1 to it. Then
(A’ + B + C + D*D’) = (A’ + B + C + D) * (A’ + B + C + D’)
Similarly, in the second term, the variable A or A’ is missing, so we add A*A’ = 1 to it. Then
(B’ + C + D’ + A*A’) = (A + B’ + C + D’) * (A’ + B’ + C + D’)
The third term is already in the standard form, as it has all the variables. Now the standard POS form equation of the function is
F = (A’ + B + C + D) * (A’ + B + C + D’) * (A + B’ + C + D’) * (A’ + B’ + C + D’) * (A + B’ + C’ + D)
+ 11
@Gaurav then you are now close to creator badge.
Good luck.
+ 10
@gaurav when it got approved.
+ 9
@mark when was your last and for what language.
+ 9
@Moksh I have one question of JavaScript that is in pending for at least two month.
+ 3
after submitting a lot of questions my one question of html got approved.
+ 2
yes a couple weeks ago. 2 Java questions
+ 2
out of 12 questions only one question in java has got approved.my 9 questions of html are pending.
+ 2
approximately 5-7 Feb
+ 2
congratulations Ram sir you are a creator master now.
+ 1
my 10 questions of html got accepted within last two days
+ 1
@Ram sir pleaseConvert the following Boolean expression into standard Product of Sum (POS) form.
(A+B+C) (B+C+D) (A+B+C+D).please help me sir.i am confused
+ 1
thank you sir for devoting your valuable time