What is the exact path to learn data science for beginners??
Now I am the great lover of computer studies and technology. I want to acheive the beautiful title of data scientist. But i dont know that where to start my career. I needed a learning path to become a beginner data scientist
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Data scientist is a whole new world, it's a very long path!
I can provide you a general guide:
First, you should learn math. This is the most important part; everything is going to use math!
But what kind of topics?
Perhaps calculous is a good start.
Second, statistics!
Learning the basics of statistics such as what is the mean, mode, median, a frequency distribution graph, a histogram, etc, Is really important!
Statistics is going to be your basic and your most powerful tool for data science.
Third, learn techniques for data processing. You will be dealing with datasets (a collection of data). With math and statistics, you will be able to understand some techniques to process the data.
Fourth, learn some basic models for prediction!
Such as Linear regression, polynomic regression, logistic regression, LDA, etc.
They have an intensive use of math.
Once you understand the main concepts, you can start digging deeper into Neural networks, XGBoost, lightBGM, SVMs, etc