+ 2

Is learning assembly lang. Difficult ??? Is it worth learning???

19th May 2020, 3:02 PM
『 〖 PRAISE 〗 』
『 〖 PRAISE 〗 』 - avatar
7 Respostas
+ 2
Yes , its absolutely worth learning assembly . It gives you the understanding of higher-level language(let's say C ) in depth. The answer is that Assembly provides you a strong correspondence between programmers statements and machine code(0's and 1's which are executed by CPU).
19th May 2020, 3:07 PM
Tarun Kumar
Tarun Kumar - avatar
+ 2
Start to learn and you will find out if you love it or not
19th May 2020, 3:12 PM
Neriya Bar-lev
Neriya Bar-lev - avatar
+ 2
『 〖 PRAISE 〗 』 yes, it would be comparatively harder to learn assembly as compared to any other high level language, as assembley language is a very low level language so it will hardly provide you with any inbuilt functions and you have to code everything from the scrach.
20th May 2020, 12:34 AM
Arsenic - avatar
+ 1
It is not necessary to learn it as most of the programmers have never touched assembly. But learning assembly language is actually a very good language to make your base strong and find out what actually happens to your code and this will give you a in-depth knowledge of higher level languages like C.
19th May 2020, 3:08 PM
Arsenic - avatar
+ 1
Is learning it very hard ??
19th May 2020, 3:32 PM
『 〖 PRAISE 〗 』
『 〖 PRAISE 〗 』 - avatar
if you are not going to design computers, skip it
20th May 2020, 5:12 AM
Gökalp - avatar