Military time challenge fail in this simple code how?
how this could fail if it’s work perfect on my pc I already tested with 12:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 12:00 am, 12:00 pm, 1:00 AM, 1:00 PM PLEASE tested your self time_normal = input() time_normal = time_normal.split() clock_time = time_normal[0].split(":") time_normal[1] = time_normal[1].upper() if time_normal[1] == "PM": if clock_time[0] != "12": clock_mili = int(clock_time[0]) + 12 clock_time[0] = str(clock_mili) else: if clock_time[0] == "12": clock_time[0] == "00" else: if int(clock_time[0]) < 10 and len(clock_time[0]) == 1: clock_time[0] == "0" + clock_time[0] output = clock_time[0] + ":" + clock_time[1] print(output)
8 Respostas
+ 2
Oliver Reyes you can use steing formating to write 00-12.
old syntax was print( "%02d:%02d" % (clock_time[0],clock_time[1]))
like in C++ . But now there is a new variant with using {} brackets instead of % sign in string formating
+ 1
It sholud output
12:00 AM to 00:00
1:00 AM to 01:00 (single digit 0 to 00, 9 to 09)
+ 1
Are you getting the those results..?
I tested it failing...
What you getting for 1:00 AM & 12:00 AM?
it does
got it: put double equal insted of = in the two else lines that’s the reason in my computer does work
Yes. Also else part's case 12 code part, also sholud be added in 12 PM case in first if...
thank’s dude is my first lenguage
oliver reyes You're welcome... Happy learning..