Please solve this program is am a noob programmer please anyone solve this

#details of a person print('Welcome to our program "Details of a person"') print("\n") print("So what you want to do?") class Person: def __init__(self,name,age ,Dob,Fname,Pno): self.name=name self.age=age self.Dob=Dob self.Fname=Fname self.Pno=Pno def displayprint(self): print("Name:",self.name,"Age:",self.age,"Date of birth:",self.Dob,"Fathers Name:",self.Fname,"Phone number:",self.Pno) f=open("Details.txt","w+") while True: print('Enter "P" for Put the details , "V" for view the details or "E" for exit the program') input1=input() if input1=='P': n=input("Enter name ") n1=input("Enter Age ") n2=input("Enter Date of birth ") n3=input("Enter Father's Name ") n5=input("Enter Phone number ") f.close() elif input1=='V': f=open("Details.txt","r") u=f.read() print(u) f.close() displayprint() a=Person(n,n1,n2,n3,n5)

23rd May 2020, 3:53 PM
Ujjwal Kandpal
1 Resposta
23rd May 2020, 5:10 PM
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