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How to create a search text function for a pop up menu
How to create a search text option with js
2 Respostas
<input type=search oninput="prgSrh(this)">
<p>Whatever Script</p>
function prgSrh(input) {
var prgs = document.getElementsByTagName('p'); // elements
var arrPrgs = [].slice.call(prgs); // array
if(input.value) { // if no input they will be shown
arrPrgs.map(function(ele) { // for each element hidden if there is value
ele.hidden = true;
arrPrgs.filter(function(ele) {
return ele.textContent.indexOf(input.value) !== -1; // filter the element which it has some content in it from input value
}).map(function(ele) {
ele.hidden = false; // they are not hidden
<!-- Just oninput filter the textContent of each element and hide the other -->