Why different output in Pycharm vs. Sololearn?

So I did the password validator communtity challlenge in Python and I wanted it to repeat until the password is valid. Here is the code I came up with: PW_status = 'invalid' while PW_status == 'invalid': Password = input() word_len = len(Password) num = 0 space = False spec = 0 for nums in Password: if nums.isnumeric(): num += 1 if nums == ' ': space = True if nums in '!@#$%^&*()_+=/?,.<>': spec += 1 spec_char = 0 if word_len > 4 and word_len < 11 and num > 0 and spec > 0 and space == False: PW_status= 'valid' print('Your password is valid :-)') else: print("Your password is not valid, please try again...") if word_len < 5: print('Your password is too short') if word_len > 10: print('Your password is too long') if spec == 0: print('Your password does not contain a special character') if space > 0: print('There is

31st May 2020, 2:22 AM
Cliff - avatar
1 Resposta
Post codebit plzzz
31st May 2020, 2:30 AM
Abhay - avatar