And operator
I solve a sololearn task called Password Validation Task: Write a program that takes in a string as input and evaluates it as a valid password. The password is valid if it has at a minimum 2 numbers, 2 of the following special characters ('!', '@', '#', '
#x27;, '%', '&', '*'), and a length of at least 7 characters. If the password passes the check, output 'Strong', else output 'Weak'. with this code: password = input() nums = "0123456789" sch = "!@#$%&*" def valid(passw): if len(passw)<7: return "Weak" cnums = 0 csch = 0 for ch in passw: if ch in nums: cnums += 1 if ch in sch: csch += 1 if cnums>=2 and csch>=2: return "Strong" else: return "Weak" print(valid(password)) but when i tried the same code but using bitwise & operator instead of logical and, 2 tests were always failed so i dont understand why didnt bitwise operator worked, as it works quite well with results of comparisons please, explain it to me6 Respostas
+ 1
Аэн Элле ,
Run below code and read the comments you will get idea.
cnums = 2
csch = 4
print(cnums>=2 and csch>=2)
#below line is executes 2 & csch which 0 so output is False
print(cnums>=2 & csch>=2)
#if you put bracket as below then first conditions evaluate and & operation performed
print((cnums>=2) & (csch>=2))
cnums = 2
csch = 6
print(cnums>=2 and csch>=2)
# csch & 2 is not 0 so output is True
print(cnums>=2 & csch>=2)
print((cnums>=2) & (csch>=2))
cnums = 6
csch = 8
print(cnums>=2 and csch>=2)
# 2 and csch is 0 so output is True
print(cnums>=2 & csch>=2)
print((cnums>=2) & (csch>=2))
+ 1
suppose cnums is 5 and csch is 2 in that case & will result in 0
+ 1
Аэн Элле ,
Basically in python bitwise operator has most priority then comparision operator.
So when you write,
C > 2 & B < 4
It will evaluate 2 & B first.
Brackets has most priority so after adding bracket it first evaluate condition and then &.
+ 1
helpful table, seems to me i get why they have such priority
thanks for your help :)
thanks, but i still don't understand why in
cnums = 4
csch = 2
print cnums>=2 & csch>=2
without parentheses operator & compares cnums and csch but not the result of comparison (cnums>=2 -- True, csch>=2 -- True)
Аэн Элле You are welcome.