How much time take for learn html,css, java script without any knowledge to master in those. Learn one by one or at same time?
I am new for coding. I don't have any knowledge. I want to learn HTML,CSS and java script. how I grow to master in these and how many days are months taken how much time daily I want to spend? I learn 1st HTML then CSS then java script are all at same time? how many days take for all of them and how many days take for each one if I learn each one separately? guide me experts!
1 Resposta
+ 2
hi bro
Learning HTML + CSS + JavaScript is easy. You can find plenty of free online resources which will help you getting started.
Learn In this way
👉HTML(1 months)
👉CSS (2 months)
👉JavaScript (3 months)
I would suggest to give atleast 1 hour on Learning things theoritically and atleast 2 hours practicing what you learnt.
"Practice is the key" here!
More time you spend practicing, better you will get at web development.
recommended books👌
HTML and CSS by Jon ducket👍
JavaScript and jquery by Jon ducket 👍