+ 2
Why people use prefix css
-webkit-box-sizing:border-box Box-sizing: border-box; Why people use these two? Both are same right? And why did they left space for "box-sizing" Of 2nd line
3 Respostas
+ 6
Both are the same. CSS vendor prefixes are a way to add support for new CSS features before those features are fully supported in all browsers.
If you don't know, What CSS to prefix?
check this http://shouldiprefix.com/
+ 3
Sainath Dora
Vendor prefix are used to support different properties on different browsers.
Like -webkit- is for chrome or safari etc, -moz- is for Mozilla.
Answer to "why they leave space":
Just so code looks neat and readable, if you don't want to leave space, it's okay.
Yeah but why do they leave space if see second line of code they left tab space why?