Write a program that display two matrices and sum,subtract,multiple and determinant and inverse using in arrays
please urgently need this code anyone can help me please
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your homework? :p
yes it is my homework and I'm very upset this it because I don't submitted this code than my teacher beat me please help me
haha...beat you? !!
you seem a young man...in which country still teachers beat to young students?
it's not a joke please here only teaching if nobody can work do this than the teacher beat him and punishment and also failed hom
btw I don't know much about C#, so its hard for me to code in that.
use google...you will find your answer.
but try not to do just copy+paste, understand logic...what is used for which purpose else teacher will ask and beat you for doing cheating :D
yes I am also known about cheating but I don't do so okay if you know anyone to write this code please who asked me send you code than you will send me