6 Respostas
+ 2
Neelam Padhy
Same mistake that you declare abtract method callBack(int param) ; small c.
But implementing CallBack(int p) ; here taking Capital C. Won't matching. So Error.
+ 1
//corrected code, just changes, read comments added
interface CallBack
//declaration of abstract method
void callBack(int param); //abstract method
public class Client implements CallBack
public void callBack(int p) //small c in name as you taken small c in function name as in interface..
//defination of abstract method
System.out.println("callBack called with "+p);
public void nonInterfaceMethod()
System.out.println("I m interface method");
class Interface Demo //remove public.
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallBack c = new Client();
+ 1
Not able to reply answer via DM.
public abstract int callBack(int param); //abstract method
For the above abstract method, implementation is:
public class Client implements CallBack
public int callBack(int p)
System.out.println("callBack called with "+p);
return 1;// Return an int value
//you changed abstract method return type to int so implementation also should return an int value like this.
And not allowed space in names so
"interface demo" change to like "interface_demo"
+ 1
interface CallBack
//declaration of abstract method
public abstract int callBack(int param);
//abstract method
public class Client implements_CallBack
public int CallBack(int p)
//defination of abstract method
System.out.println("callBack called with "+p);
return 1;//return value should be an int value bcoz there is a change on abstract method return type to int...
int nonInterfaceMethod()
System.out.println("I m interface method");
public class Interface_Demo
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallBack c = new Client();
What the problem again I m not able to find out ☹️☹️☹️😶😶
Oh yes 😅