Why There is Showing invalid santax
elif user_input == "div": num1 = float(input("enter a no")) num2 = float(input("enter")) result = str(num1 / num2) print( "answer is " + result)
4 Respostas
Is there more code?
I asked, bc there isnt the user_input. The code check a not existent input. And there is no if statement.
elif is used, if there more than one possibility.
demo = input()
if demo == "1":
print("Its a 1")
elif demo == "2":
print("Well its a 2")
print("No matter what is is, it isnt a 1 or a 2")
You can say if stand for if. In example it was the if demo == 1 part. Elif stand for in case of. In the demo, it was the elif (in case of) demo == 2.
The syntax is always the same:
First the if, next the elif statements at last the else.
The else statement stand for "in all other cases"
Hope this help.
Sven_m yep there is more i have written input also
Sven_m can u check my code
I wrote you a mail with feedback.