+ 1

How to invite a friend

16th Jul 2020, 4:12 AM
4 Respostas
+ 4
Go to the 3 lines at the upper left corner. Click on Invite friends and you will get the option to choose through whom to invite and sololearn itself sometimes asks to invite friends.
16th Jul 2020, 4:24 AM
Arctic Fox
Arctic Fox - avatar
431101 go to your activity feed then you'll see a option discover peers just click on it then you can invite your friends
16th Jul 2020, 5:23 AM
Navneet Kaur💫
Navneet Kaur💫 - avatar
how do i do that in their website
26th Oct 2024, 3:21 PM
Bayazid Bostami Sinha
Bayazid Bostami Sinha - avatar