Why does <datalist> not working
does sololearn code bits doesn't support <datalist> element? can't make it work on my sololearn web. https://code.sololearn.com/W5oMHynFLBtx/?ref=app i use: https://cloudinary.com/invites/lpov9zyyucivvxsnalc5/kj0ul1lpufgpp1sccyfs to link my assets(image, audio, video, css, js, etc) for the web. for free
15 Respostas
+ 1
So this select fallback is working for you since datalist is not ?
+ 1
đ Krishna đ€ yes it is, thats why in my gadget, if i uncomment the <datalist>, the <select> option does'nt show up.
which i tried it in my codepen it works
if you dont mind to open it on chrome or firefox browser
+ 1
đ Krishna đ€ which working, both at sololearn and codepen?
at codepen i don't comment out the datalist
+ 1
thats why i cant make it work in sololearn if i don't commented out the datalist on my gadget.
so i think if it is a bug for my gadget
It does and its working fine ,
hi đ Krishna đ€ Abhay
thats weird, its not at my end, have you tried uncomment my html code which datalist at?
sobadrdb You have datalist at line 59?it's already uncommented
yes, and im comment it out just now.
i was intended to give option, wether to type text or select from datalist
Why you did you commented it again?đ€,can you describe what problem are you facing if any ?because at my end it works as expected
well, if i uncomment it, i can't see the list option on my end.
the setting: <select> element is for fallback, if browser can't render <datalist>, it should be show up, but not in my gadget